Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Why do I have you brainstorm and collect your information in a Google Doc before putting in to final draft? Explain

You have to so you have a idea about what you are going to talk about. If you don't have that done that you will be lost about what to write.


What are three things you learned about color theory and web design  yesterday? Go in to detail.

I learned that colors have to go together, have a dark color font, and and lightest color be your background.
You want all that so that you can read your writing and so that the font is close to the color as your background.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Yesterday I introduced you to infographics... tell me again what they are and how they are used? What is the benefit of an infographic? What goes into an infogrpahic?

Infographics are a visual display of information you can put pictures into it and have a bunch of color in it.  the benefits are that it can be short but tell you all the information and it can be creative. Facts Statistics pictures information color and some other things.



What effect can a color scheme have on a website? How can it make a website better? How can it make a website worse? Explain why color is important

It can make you site a lot better and the people will be more interested in your site. The colors can be bad and no no one will be interested in your site.Color is important because it sets the tone of your site and it can make it good or bad.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Post your research paper to your blog. Give me a short (one paragraph summary) of your paper and include the link for me read your paper. Make sure you link up words! Do NOT copy and paste the ugly link. This should not be foreign to you.

 my research paper is all about the effects smoking and second hand smoke have on you. Like all the diseases and strokes you can have. It is also about how you can quit and what you can do to help yourself quit.

Global issues paper

Friday, February 21, 2014

WD February Friday 21

What was your takeaway from this Travel Site? What did you learn that you didn't know before? How will the knowledge of how we built this site help you improve your future websites?

I took away the div tabs the boxes that you make to put your pictures in. I learned how to put a picture over a picture then when you click on it it goes to the other picture. Now i know things i didn't know before.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ET Tuesday February 18

Where are you at with your 5 paragraph essay so far? How is it coming? Is it easy to write? Difficult to write? Is it helpful that you created an outline first? Explain.

I have not started it yet because i was absent the day we started it and i don't have anything yet about all the difficulty.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

WD Tuesday February 11

What do you know about Photoshop? Have you used it before? What can it do? Are you an expert? A newbie? Tell me about your background and what you already know.

I know that you can Photoshop your head on other people and say that is you. also it make you look like you no other people even though you don't. And i am a newbie at Photoshop. i have never used Photoshop.

Friday, February 7, 2014

WB Friday February 7

Think about how a user (me or anyone else using your site) might function and interact with your site. What are some important functional features to make your website easy to work with? How can you make it easier for the user and not frustrating? Explain why this is so important.

Good functions for your website would be the navigation bar and that everything is easy to read and has a good flow to it. A navigation bar is key because it has all the pages of your website and for the user to click on all the things on your site. Easy for the user is a good flow and easy to read. this is important so people will like your site and not leave it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

ET Monday February 3

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details!

I didn't go to sweetheart so i went to lifetime and played basketball. Then i went to Buffalo Wild wings with some of my friends. Then i went home and just watched TV and ate more food.

WD Monday February 3

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details!

I didn't go to sweetheart so i went to lifetime and played basketball. Then i went to Buffalo Wild wings with some of my friends. Then i went home and just watched TV and ate more food .